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templatefile Function

templatefile reads the file at the given path and renders its content as a template using a supplied set of template variables.

Code Block
templatefile(path, vars)

The template syntax is the same as for string templates in the main OpenTofu language, including interpolation sequences delimited with ${ ... }. This function just allows longer template sequences to be factored out into a separate file for readability.

The "vars" argument must be an object. Within the template file, each of the keys in the map is available as a variable for interpolation. The template may also use any other function available in the OpenTofu language. Variable names must each start with a letter, followed by zero or more letters, digits, or underscores.

Strings in the OpenTofu language are sequences of Unicode characters, so this function will interpret the file contents as UTF-8 encoded text and return the resulting Unicode characters. If the file contains invalid UTF-8 sequences then this function will produce an error.

This function can be used only with files that already exist on disk at the beginning of an OpenTofu run. Functions do not participate in the dependency graph, so this function cannot be used with files that are generated dynamically during an OpenTofu operation.

*.tftpl is the recommended naming pattern to use for your template files. OpenTofu will not prevent you from using other names, but following this convention will help your editor understand the content and likely provide better editing experience as a result.


There are a few limitations to be aware of if recursion is used with templatefile.

Any recursive calls to templatefile will have a limited call depth (1024 by default). This is to prevent crashes due to unintential infinite recursive calls and limit the chance of Out Of Memory crashes.

As tail-recursion is not supported, all documents in a call stack must be loaded into memory before the stack can unwind. On most modern systems and configurations this will likely not be an issue, but it is worth being mindful of.

If the maximum recursion depth is hit during execution, a concise error will be provided which describes the first few steps of the call stack to help you diagnose the issue. If you need the full call stack, setting TF_LOG=debug will cause the full templatefile callstack to be printed to the console.

If your configuration requires a larger maximum recursion depth, you can override the default using the TF_TEMPLATE_RECURSION_DEPTH environment variable. This is not recommended and is only provided as an escape hatch. Additionally, setting it lower than the 1024 default has the potential to cause problems with modules that use the templatefile function.



Given a template file backends.tftpl with the following content:

Code Block
%{ for addr in ip_addrs ~}
backend ${addr}:${port}
%{ endfor ~}

The templatefile function renders the template:

Code Block
> templatefile("${path.module}/backends.tftpl", { port = 8080, ip_addrs = ["", ""] })


Given a template file config.tftpl with the following content:

Code Block
%{ for config_key, config_value in config }
set ${config_key} = ${config_value}
%{ endfor ~}

The templatefile function renders the template:

Code Block
> templatefile(
config = {
"x" = "y"
"foo" = "bar"
"key" = "value"
set foo = bar
set key = value
set x = y

Generating JSON or YAML from a template

If the string you want to generate will be in JSON or YAML syntax, it's often tricky and tedious to write a template that will generate valid JSON or YAML that will be interpreted correctly when using lots of individual interpolation sequences and directives.

Instead, you can write a template that consists only of a single interpolated call to either jsonencode or yamlencode, specifying the value to encode using normal OpenTofu expression syntax as in the following examples:

Code Block
"backends": [for addr in ip_addrs : "${addr}:${port}"],
Code Block
"backends": [for addr in ip_addrs : "${addr}:${port}"],

Given the same input as the backends.tftpl example in the previous section, this will produce a valid JSON or YAML representation of the given data structure, without the need to manually handle escaping or delimiters. In the latest examples above, the repetition based on elements of ip_addrs is achieved by using a for expression rather than by using template directives.

Code Block

If the resulting template is small, you can choose instead to write jsonencode or yamlencode calls inline in your main configuration files, and avoid creating separate template files at all:

Code Block
locals {
backend_config_json = jsonencode({
"backends": [for addr in ip_addrs : "${addr}:${port}"],

For more information, see the main documentation for jsonencode and yamlencode.

  • file reads a file from disk and returns its literal contents without any template interpretation.
  • templatestring takes a string and renders it as a template using a supplied set of template variables.